Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, June 7, 2008


All of my dreams did come true today. I met Mickey & all of the wonderful Disney characters that I grew up with. We arrived at Disneyland at 9am and we stayed right up until the end. We dined in the Disney cafes and restaurants and Jack slept in his pram during his usual nap times. We went on the tea cups and flew on Dumbo the elephant. We saw the most amazing fireworks over the castle and Tinker Bell flew over head. The parade was something special and Stu enjoyed Tomorrow Land and riding the segway. Jack loved the steam train and he danced to the music of the performers. All of us enjoyed riding the boats in Adventure Land.

I loved every minute of Disneyland, it was wonderful.

LEGOLAND tomorrow!

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