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Friday, June 27, 2008

Back to Work

It was lovely to see everyone at work this week and they were all so happy to have me back. I was surprised since I only worked there for 2 months before going on 3 months leave! They organised a delicious dinner to mark the end of the term and Jack had good company with Jackson who is 2 months younger than he is. We had dessert at Koko Black as I had to drop Stuart off there because his LICENSE is SUSPENDED. He was unable to get his regular medical check done for his license because we were OS so they sent us a lovely letter today saying that he was no longer able to drive.... until he gets his medical check done. Well, Koko Black was an over indulgence as is always is. YUM!

Jack had 2 days with his Dad where I got to come home to slow cooked dinners and a tidy house and 2 days were spent at Royalla on the farm. Apparently Jack loved spending time with Molly and he wants to cuddle her all day and Dad reported that he was a 'kissy boy' as he kissed everything, especially the cat. I like the kissy boy, I got lots of kisses and hugs when I got home. Absence does make the heart grow fonder.

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