HI MUM!! I'm in Times Square, New York - all the way from Bemboka to the BIG SMOKE! We have had the MOST AWESOME time ever and we still have 2 days here. This place is just amazing and the $1 bus ride was very comfortable. Jack slept for most of the way here and he is just taken away by the hustle and bustle of the city. We arrived right outside Maddison Square Garden. We have a nice hotel which is just around the corner from Times Sqaure but far enough away that it is quiet. The Toys R Us we went to in Times Square is 5 stories and we went of the Farris wheel that is in the shop which was fun for Jack Rabbit. We had some NEW YORK cheesecake in NEW YORK which was the best cheesecake we ever tasted and we also went to M&M world which had 4 floors of M&Ms.
The Taxi rides are an experience themselves as the traffic is CRAZY. The drivers are quick on the horn and pedestrians just walk right out in front of cars. Scary! The police and fire trucks speed though the streets and Jack is just so excited by the chaos.
We went up the Empire State Building and I really had a 'moment.' aaahhhh...... serenity. When you get up the 86th floor it really takes your breath away. It is just beautiful and romantic - just like the movies. I felt like Meg Ryan. It was quiet and serene despite the other 100 people up there with you. Jack tried to throw his dummy over as his gift to the city. Thank goodness we had thought ahead to attatch it to his jumper. We also went up to the 102nd floor which was a lot quieter (because you pay extra to get up there) but we were able to find all of the land marks on the map. Jack could also run around up there because there were only a few other people and it was all inside.
The guy in the gift shop on the way down asked where we were from and when we told him he said, 'That's funny cause you don't sound like you have an accent, mate.' Maybe we have been here too long already! I hope we don't start to sound like the yanks! Maybe he was on drugs?There are heaps more photos but we will upload to picasa when we are back home. Today we are going for a cruise around the statue of Liberty and we are going to see ground zero and pay our respects for the lives lost there.
After that we are taking Jacko to central park where he can run around crazy and I am hopeful to find a horse and cart.
We are having the most AMAZING time.
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