We hung around Ashburn on Saturday so that Stu could take a break from the rush. We went to the mall and Jack got a hair cut. Stuart bought some new shoes - he got them for 70% off the already reduced to clear price, so only paid $7 for a neat pair of New Balance size 13. Stu was so impressed that he asked that I put a picture of them on the blog... will have to update later.
Today we went to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC. Jack had a 3hr morning nap then we went to 'Moes' for lunch and it is a Mexican place that has the same concept as subway where you go along a line and choose all of your toppings. No nachos will ever compare to Juliette's - they were no where near as good. Before driving to DC we went through the petrol station and paid at the pump and then went through the drive-thru ATM. These are just a few of the lazy American customs that we are enjoying.
The rain was bucketing down as we drove to the museum in DC and it didn't slow down when we had to walk 3 blocks from the car to the museum either. Jack was fine - he had the umbrella and the big rain coat. But Stuart and I were soaked, it was a perfect moment, we just laughed and laughed!
Notice nice neat haircut but still has a blue lip from the accident late last week. The museum was great fun and they had a 'Discovery Room' where Jack enjoyed playing with other kids. He enjoyed the magnifying glass and the shell collection. It made me wonder what he might do when he is all grown up - he is absorbing so much information and he already loves learning. Stuart loved the T Rex skeleton and my favourite was the 45k diamond.

45 Carat Hope Diamond Est. Value: $250 millionUSD

T Rex
The rain slowed down for us to walk back to the car and on the way home we had dinner at
Vapianos where they make your pasta in front of you with fresh pasta and fresh ingredients. All of the herbs are grown in the restaurant and the pasta is also made fresh and you can watch it being made.
Jack had a good time in the car on the way home and he has some new dance moves to 'if your happy and you know it.' More pics and videos to follow.

Jack found his favourite part of the museum right here