Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A Garden Bed
When I came home from a stressful day of work in the last week of term the boys had built this beautiful planter box. Stu got some Bunnings vouchers for Christmas so when I came home from grocery shopping today the boys had planted this beautiful garden. Although it isn't the roses that I ordered, the grass is drought tolerant and has a modern look. I love it!
Gardening in cream coloured pants and dropping a trailer full of top soil on your big toe - that's blog worthy!
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas in Bemboka
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Chooks
Here is Jack feeding his Chooks that Nan & Pop gave him for Christmas. The chooks have been fed at least 5 times already today and it's only 12 o'clock!
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
A Motbey Christmas
Molly has had a lovely first Christmas and some wonderful news that she will soon be a big sister!
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
A Duncan Christmas
Jack so amazed when he found what Santa left in the backyard this morning. The fort came with a rock climbing wall, slide, chalk board and rope ladder. I was afraid he wouldn't be ready to climb it on his own but he has been up and down it a hundred times already.
The Duncan boys put on a delicious lunch with all the trimmings. We lit some beautiful candles and made a toast to Grandma.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Our annual drive around the streets of Northern Canberra was so much more exciting than it ever has been before. Every time we drove up to a new house Jack's eyes lit up and he exclaimed, 'Lights!' Occasionally when we showed him a house with just a few lights he just said, 'more.'
The most beautiful house we saw was on Amagula Ave, Ngunnawal and this handy map along with the GPS left no room for arguments with the map in the dark.
Jack is really starting to get excited about Christmas!
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Memory Box
Jack was so proud of his cookies that when he heard Stu's car in the driveway he ran with the plate of decorated cookies to the door to show his dad. He and Stu both shared a cookie and when Stu went to put them away he demanded that the plate of cookies be put under the Christmas tree. Jack wanted to eat the rest of the cookies for dinner and he completely lost it when we told him that they had to go away until after dinner. He was SO proud of his cookies - how DARE we put them away!
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Monday, December 15, 2008
Jack the Chef
The boys made chocolate mousse to take for dessert to Maryanne & Gye's place. They were under instruction to also buy custard for Jack (which they did) but Jack still got a taste of the chocolate because he was helping with the mixing and decided sneak in a taste-test.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Saturday, December 13, 2008
He jumps out of bed in the morning
'BED!' is the last word.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Thursday, December 11, 2008
My independant boy
Suddenly a bed has made him grow up. He is no longer needing 2 day sleeps because he is sleeping 12 hours at night.
My boy is reckless and couragious but he is afraid of the lawn mower. His favourite TV shows are The Night Garden and Lazy Town. He runs fast and climbs the play equipment independantly. He is SO independant and friendly too. He loves to play with other children and says 'bye bye' to all of the checkout ladies and Woolworths. He brings me flowers from the yard and gives us kisses and cuddles.
He is facinated by trucks, trains and buses and although he doesn't talk much he makes a lot of noise. Jack loves his food but he won't eat if there is playing to be done. He likes french toast, spaghetti and juice. He wants to be outside ALL of the time. He loves animals but is wary of big dogs.
Jack is a mummy's boy when he is sick or very tired. He clings on tight when I have been at work too many days in a row. He loves to be rough with his dad and his face lights up when he hears the car coming up the driveway. Every morning we wake up to Jack calling out for 'MA!'
Lately he enjoys showing us he is a 'good boy' by helping out and doing the right things and when he is in trouble he takes himself to Time Out for 2 minutes until he comes out and appologises. He is always dragging us outside to sit and watch him play. He doesn't mind if I take a cuppa so long as he has some company.
I wish these days would last forever.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Monday, December 8, 2008
Fish Bed
The kindness of strangers is always a special surprise and this one was especially nice because it has meant so much to our 'big boy'. Toni from Nan's work handed down her toddler bed to Jack and it fit so nicely in his ocean theme bedroom.
Jack was very excited as his dad put together the fish bed. He tried to help him put it all together. When I was clearing out his bedroom Jack was running from Mum to check on Dad's progress on the bed and back to his room to make sure we were getting things together. He kept saying 'fish bed, fish bed.' When Stu carried the bed into his room he cheered 'hooray' with arms in the air. He was so excited!
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Merry Christmas Lyneham, Happy Birthday Alex, Merry Christmas Verizon and God Bless Tayliah
December is exhausting. Stuart was home this weekend which made things easier but we just didn't stop. Friday night started it all with the Lyneham Support Unit Christmas Party. On Saturday we went to Alex's 2nd birthday party at Kid City. The party started right on nap time and Jack was too exhausted by the end of it, although he did have a great time.
Today we went to church for Tayliah's christening. Kai was looking great - his mum ran across the carpark with hairspray and conditioner before the baptism. Love those curls!
After lunch Jack was exhausted again. Lovely Jen, is God-mother to beautiful Tayliah and it was so nice that her Solomon family was able to come for the event. Justine and 'nanny' made a delicious lunch and dessert and everyone had a wonderful time.
We had an early bbq dinner at the lake - hosted by Stu for the Verizon Christmas. Jack befriended Gulliver who is 3. Gully took his hand and showed him how to climb the play equipment and paddle in the lake.Stu did an excellent job cooking and people raved about his delicious food and good choice in venue. Snap.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Every week Jack and I go swimming at Kings. Jack is scared of putting his head under water but he is confident as long as his head is above the water!
Below: This is what they call 'water play' - apparently this will help Jack to be less scared of water. Or it's just for the teacher to laugh at?
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Sunday, November 30, 2008
From Bemboka to the Urban Family Christmas
On Saturday we drove with Nan R to Bemboka to pick out a puppy for Jack. We cheered Great Nan up and helped her out with lunch and dinner because she had her knee operation just 2 weeks ago. It poured with rain but we still managed to hang out with the chooks and have a great time. Poor Uncle Mike got sick on the way home.
Today John & Jules hosted the Urban Family Christmas and everyone bought delicious food and drinks.Jack loved playing with the other toddlers and they were all so good. Jack thought the crackers were great and the hats that came out when they popped.
Beth, Grace and Jack jumped in the little pool and they had a wonderful time for over an hour.
Jack was the last one out.
As soon as Stu got home from work he opened his present and he couldn't wait to get started using his dutch pancake maker, they were delicious. Thanks Jules!
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Friday, November 28, 2008
Santa is stressed.
Jack was such a great boy for his Santa photo today. He was shy at first but boldly sat on Santa's knee after watching other 2 yr olds run away crying. It is amazing to compare to last year's Santa photo. My boy has grown so much!
I'm thinking that Santa is looking a little stressed this year. Even when Baby Sam saw him last week he looked under the weather.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Christmas Stocking
Thanks Juliette, for this beautiful hand made Christmas stocking. I added the extra green ribbon so we could hang it from a door.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Merry DUNCAN Christmas!

Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanks for the Ice Cream JULES!
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday Morning
Only one week until summer and it's a freezing 5 C this morning. Jack helped to pull the quilt off our bed and tucked himself under to watch his cartoons. After warm porridge for breakfast we have a busy Sunday with swimming at 11.30 and lunch in Royalla.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Friday, November 21, 2008
A good kid
There isn't much happening around the Duncan house this weekend. It is so nice to have a quiet 5 day weekend where we don't have to be anywhere in particular.
Jack helped clean the whole house today and do 4 loads of washing. He has recently been very proud to be a 'good boy' and helps where he can. We only had 2 trips to Time Out all week. Jack is talking more and more, he has a range of new words but his favourites are; please, pop, bus, truck, motorbike, chooks, baa baas, juice. His best phrase is, 'More juice please pa.'I couldn't help but think of Jules as Jack was painting this today after one of her playgroup babies was taken off in an ambulance after a nasty paint reaction. They are all good now. Maybe next time use brushes with the 4 month olds?
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Molly's Baptism
We all gathered at All Saints Church for Molly's Baptism today. It was a beautiful day, not too hot like the past 3 days and hardly a cloud in the sky. Above are Molly's most important Aunties and of course Uncle Mike. Below is Nan R and Pop with Jack. Jack wasn't too worried about the Baptism or Molly - all he went on about all morning was 'Pop.'
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Play School
After Eli's 1st Birthday Jack met Molly at the Play School concert.
George Spartells (presenter since 1985) and Anglea Moore (Presenter since 1993)
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Molly in the sand pit
Molly is just 5 months and she is sitting by herself. SEE!
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
He makes us proud
Jack did this painting for his dad this afternoon. He was focused on his painting for half an hour and cried when his paint finally ran out. I taught him how to do spots and stripes and then he carefully chose the motor bikes to add to the masterpiece. He used a brush and every stoke was deliberate and calculated.
He was so excited when his dad walked in the door from work and he took him straight to the painting. You should have seen him swell with pride.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Melbourne Cup
Back in the ol' days we wore one of dad's old shirts but they requested that he have a plastic smock.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum