Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Nan R

It was Nan's birthday yesterday. The big FOUR - FIVE!
The whole family went out for Chinese and had a delicious feast.

Nan R is changing her life this year and going on a serious health kick. Keep posted for updates on her journey. Nan has inspired the Motbey girls to get healthy too and we are keeping each other motivated.
(It's a bit exhausting - Do we look thinner yet?)

Jack and Molly loved the prawn chips.

In other exciting news....

Jack started daycare with Rose this week and he has been playing with Alex and Benjamin who are both 4. He has learnt a lot of things from them and he hasn't needed his dummy all week (except at night). Rose took the boys to the park and they did painting everyday this week. Rose has a very big backyard and the boys ride bikes and play on the trampoline all day.

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