Count Rudey
Jack has gone another day without the dummy and he is talking a lot more. Since he has turned two, he has been naked nearly everyday. I'm so glad the blog is private because I never would have posted these cute videos before.
Jack has gone another day without the dummy and he is talking a lot more. Since he has turned two, he has been naked nearly everyday. I'm so glad the blog is private because I never would have posted these cute videos before.
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Jack and William's Mum
I went back to work full time this week for the first time since Jack was born. I have some mixed feelings about this but overall the week went remarkably well, better than I could have hoped. Jack spent 3 days this week with his Nanna and Pop and everyday he came home with some new words and a story to tell about 'chooks','brown dog buddy' and the 'fire truck.' Today he went the whole day without his dummy which he hasn't done since he was born.Every afternoon after work the whole family jumped in the pool, we had home cooking for afternoon tea and we cooled off after the 37 c days. Last night we were even treated to a bbq for dinner.
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Jack and William's Mum
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Jack and William's Mum
Jack made lamingtons for our Australia Day celebrations tomorrow. He put all of the coconut on the cakes after I had iced them. In the video below he makes the last lamington on his own.
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Jack and William's Mum
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Jack and William's Mum
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Jack and William's Mum
Since the beginning of the school holidays Jack has been wearing undies around the house for parts of the day. Every half hour we would go the the toilet and nothing would happen and every now and then we would clean up a puddle and say 'oh well, next time we'll do it on the toilet.'
As soon as everyone left the party today Jack stripped off and put some undies on and he played with his new toys while Stu and I cooked dinner. He came inside and said 'wet' and passed me his undies. I took the undies and told him they were dry so I asked him if he wanted to go to the toilet and he nodded. Off we skipped to the toilet AND THEN HE DID A WEE!
We were so excited and he said, 'wee like Kai.' He had seen Kai do a wee on the toilet during his party. We raced around and found him a chocolate and we cheered and called Nan R to celebrate.
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Jack and William's Mum
Jack has had the best day today. 5 of his best friends and his family and our friends all came to play for an afternoon party. We spent hours baking and setting up chairs and shopping but it was all worth it. It was a perfect sunny day and not a cloud in the sky. We are lucky it was only 29C today because it has been up to 37C this week.
The kids enjoyed The Night Garden cake and not one of them noticed the lumpy parts of the icing which caused me so much stress. They all took a character home. When Jack saw his cake yesterday he said 'TWO' and we later caught him testing the flavour. (There was some patch work to be done.) Jack loved showing off his new train table and cubby. His friends bought such wonderful gifts, he spent half the time opening a present here and there. His Grandpa came all the way from China yesterday and had some stories to tell and Robyn came from Melbourne to stop by with her lovely girls.
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Jack and William's Mum
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Jack and William's Mum
We had the most wonderful time in Durras this week.
We met some of the locals....
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Jack and William's Mum
This blog will be locked from next week. If you want to continue to read about Jack please send me your email address and I'll add you to my list of readers.
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Jack and William's Mum
For the first week, Jack fell out of the fish bed every other night. Now that he has got that sorted he has had night terrors for the past two nights. I just pull up the mattress beside the bed until he goes back to sleep. He is enjoying the freedom of being able to get himself up after his naps but tonight he didn't want to go to bed at 8 o'clock so he laid beside his door until.... he fell asleep at 8.15.I remember those days when I went to bed at 12 and slept in until 10.30 on a Saturday. How our lives have changed!
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Jack and William's Mum
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Jack and William's Mum