It was raining this afternoon so Dad decided to make Jack some play-dough. Jack was so thrilled with his play-dough and we got out some small pots and pans so that they could pretend to cook. Jack sat at his table from 4.30 until 8.30 (excluding a bath) and he was absorbed in his cooking. He said, 'play dough' 'Dad, dad more please' 'one more potato' 'more sausage please.'
He imagined that the pot was hot stirred up the potato.

Jack loved his cooking so much that when we served up dinner to the table Jack also served a bowl of 'pink sausage.' He ate his dinner very quickly so that he could get back to the cooking.
'BAM'When bed time came Dad and Mum declared the 'kitchen closed' but Jack refused to have the pots and pans put away. Everything had to be left exactly how it was and that it how it will stay - for more cooking tomorrow.
Dad is very proud of his little 'Jamie Oliver'