Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Lunar Eclipse
I had a great day. Aunty Rach came to look after me while mum went to work for a little while and then we walked to play group. When Dad came home we walked around the golf course and then we went for a drive to Mount Stromlo to see the lunar eclipse. I had a 'mashed pumpkin' picnic for dinner in the car!
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Baking some bread
I have a special diet - no dairy - no soy - only home made bread and rusks, meat, fruit and vege.
Goat's cheese and milk is all I can have but I like it.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I have a tooth and I'm on the move!
Having the flu this week hasn't slowed me down. I am up on all fours and cruising around a little on the furniture. I also have my first tooth!
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Cause Aunty Jules says SO!
Can't wait to wear my new bib to play group! Mum has a special blogger shirt too - so watch this space (not my space). Thanks Aunty Jules - I'm the coolest kid in play group.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Happy Birthday MUM, Uncle Mike & Kai!
What a huge weekend! Mum kindly shares her birthday with uncle Mike and Kai so we had heaps of fun at Kai's first party and we drank milk until we passed out. Then it was uncle Mike's 21st so we stayed out and partied all night with 50 of his closest friends.
Today we had a huge bacon and egg breakfast at Nan-R's place and I had 3 nannas to take me for walks and feed me bannanas while Dad, Pop and Uncle Mike went Go-Karting. Uncle Mike has a new car so we went for a drive too.
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Please Comment
'A very wise woman' noted today that she was disappointed that she was unable to leave a comment to a recent post so for the next couple of weeks we have left the blog open to comment. Jack and Mum could both use some moral support at this time so are happy to hear your thoughts.
Jack has settled in well to life on the farm 3 days a week although the routine has been out of wack. Mum has two really great 7/8 English classes and a super Year 8 I.T class as well so things are running smoothly at the moment.
Here's to a great term!
Posted by
Jack and William's Mum